Monday 4 October 2010

Hairyhand Rants-on: TV: SimplyHealth Ad

Gordon Bennet! At what point did it become a good idea to base a campaign strapline on a well-known comedy catch-phrase that has been used to ridicule a certain demographic of British society?

"Simplyhealth...we can be bothered."

How on earth can this be suitable for any brand, especially of this nature?!?!

Maybe this was the thinking behind the idea; "Right, so Simplyhealth really care, and the flip side of not caring is ...I know, let's use "Am I bovvered?" but twist it... yeah that'll work!" 

But sadly, no matter how you write it, or change the way you announce it through a VO, it still smacks of the negative chav catch phrase it came from. 

It just doesn't work.

So based on this strapline, maybe the route the brand should have taken, was to just change their name to Simply 'ealth.