Friday, 17 December 2010

Pepto Bismol Commercial: Tummy Time with Ken Jeong

Don't be put off by the unnecessary crutch shot...

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Apple - Taking the pips!

Becoming more and more angry at the constant emails from Apple suggesting that I should buy someone an Apple product for Xmas "Give Mac for Christmas." or  "iPhone 4. Everything they want in one gift." Have they not noticed the current economic recession? I can't even afford to buy myself a Mac/iphone, let alone buy one as a present for someone else!!!

Obama Kicks The Door Open

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Monday, 4 October 2010

Hairyhand Rants-on: TV: SimplyHealth Ad

Gordon Bennet! At what point did it become a good idea to base a campaign strapline on a well-known comedy catch-phrase that has been used to ridicule a certain demographic of British society?

"Simplyhealth...we can be bothered."

How on earth can this be suitable for any brand, especially of this nature?!?!

Maybe this was the thinking behind the idea; "Right, so Simplyhealth really care, and the flip side of not caring is ...I know, let's use "Am I bovvered?" but twist it... yeah that'll work!" 

But sadly, no matter how you write it, or change the way you announce it through a VO, it still smacks of the negative chav catch phrase it came from. 

It just doesn't work.

So based on this strapline, maybe the route the brand should have taken, was to just change their name to Simply 'ealth. 

Friday, 24 September 2010

LEXICON: Cuckoo Agency

I think I've just coined a new 'Phrase', if that's the right expression;

A Cuckoo Agency. def; A creative agency that plants itself in the same building, sometimes the same floor, and gradually pushes the existing agency out.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Hairyhand Rants-on: TV: Talk Talk Idents

These Idents are sooooooo annoying.
The VO should be, " Talk Talk - Ruining your XFactor!"

Hairyhand Rants-on: FILM: Date Night

Steve Carell's charcter does a Barry White impression over the intercom of Holbrook Grant (Mark wahlberg) "Hey yo-yo, I'm having sex, getting busy..."
Brilliant. I haven't laughed so much in ages.

Hairyhand Rants-on: TV: Hairyhand on Eastenders!

Well sort of..

"Just take your hairy hand and leave" (said by Darren asking Jodie for a manicure, whilst wearing a Werewolf hand).
Another Random moment in Eastenders.

Hairyhand Rants-on: TV: Tena Lady Ad

"...What's the first thing he'll notice... It certainly won't be my occasional bladder weakness!"

Er, I beg to differ there. I think the first thing he'll notice is that you speak like a Doctor's manual and unlike any other normal person would speak. Whatever happened to the old adage 'writing ads as if you we're  talking to a mate in the pub'?

Hairyhand Rants on: TV: Grand Designs

Will someone please call the Police and inform them that Kevin Mcloud is about to be stranlged by his trendy grey jumper - he's wearing the tightest v-neck in TV history!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

TV: Latest Plug in ad

"Isn't it disappointing when you stop smelling your air freshener?"

Answer: No

I'd like to know who came up with that 'insight'?

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

WEB: Fangoria

The Foxes have done it again!
Will someone please give these guys a monster-sized budget. :)

WEB: Creative juices

Here's the link... soz

WEB: Creative juices

This is fantastic!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

TV: Latest Flora Ad

Will someone please tell 'the people' at Flora that we know what their product basically does, and therefore we don't need a clunking great segue into people spreading it on bread to make sandwiches?!?

It's really frustrating, as the 'glowing hearts' idea is really quite a nice, and really could be expanded upon.

Hopefully, this Maternal brand realises it can concentrate on producing ads that entertain, rather than telling us something we already know.

TV: Latest M&S Ad

Whoever suggested 'Got to be real' by Cheryl Lynn for this Ad deserves a pat on the back - It really makes it.

TV: Lottery 'Cars & Cash ad

#I'm a road-runner hunny...#

Yeah, and I wish you'd go for a long run off a short pier - I'm soooo bored with this ad now.

TV: X-Factor

I never thought I'd say this but I'm genuinely warming to Louis Walsh this year. Maybe it's because Simon Cowell has become even more of an irritating jerk. Having said that, I still wouldn't want Louis managing my band.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

TV: 8 out of Ten Cats

Brian Belo just admitted to "shitting himself" on a train and posting the event on Twitter to get advice on what he should do about it!
If there was a dictionary definition of 'Loveable Baffoon' Brian would be it.

TV: Eastenders

I have just seen one of the best episodes of Eastenders ever! Not just because of the high drama... but because of the way Peggy spoke her lines at the end of the show, "Let it burn... Let it burn..." It was absolutely hilarious. Where did that voice come from - under her wig????? Has Peggy been body-snatched by an alien???? Surely this is the final twist that sees Peggy leave the show, not in a cab, but in a space ship - Gawd Bless e'r.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

TV: My Family's Crazy Gap Year

Or what should be more aptly titled, 'My Crazy Family's Gap Year.'

Can anyone tell me what posessed the mother of this middle-class family to drag her family to
a country with one of the highest rates of potentially fatal diseases, without immunisation!?!?

Whether I got to see The Dalai Lama or not, I wouldn't like to rely on a Herbal Tinture to treat me for a case of Malaria - would you?

Absolute bonkers.

Anyway, I changed channel when I saw the native family pulling the innards out of a freshly killed goat. Which was nice...

Monday, 6 September 2010

FOOD & DRINK: Champagne

Gassy, over-rated, bad breath juice. I hate it.

TV: Latest Durex TV spot

I've never been a fan of 'nice ads', but this one definitely brought a wry smile to my face.

However, my only question is; why was it on at midday? Are they trying to catch the Jeremy Kyle gang just before they slip off for some unprotected sex and a can of Tennents Super? :)

KIDS TV: Top ten worst shows (that I'm regularly forced to watch!).

1. Show me Show me
Really old TV presenters singing really naff kid's songs

2. Big cook little cook
The food they make is insulting even for a 2 year old.

3. Number jacks
What is the concept behind this programme???

4. Tommy Zoom
Stock footage and cartoon, cut 'n' shut together. Why is there only one baddie?

5. Mighty Mites
The female presenter needs shooting.

6. Waybaloo
Utter gibberish

7. Balamory
Just poor

8. Nina and the nuerons
What exactly is the science behind this talentless womans experiments?

9. Tinga Tales
The Token Multi-cultural kids programme.

10. Big Barn Farm
The second job of the annoying voice-over man from 'Come Die with me'.
The theme tune sounds like it's been made by the local radio station.