Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Rip-off Britain: DVDs

Here's something I don't understand; Films released on DVD still being priced at £15!
I mean who are these retailers targeting?
Who is it that says to themselves, "ooh, there's a film coming out that's meant to be good, but I won't go to the cinema, I'll buy it as soon as it comes out - never mind if it's shit, I don't mind wasting £15"
Don't most people see a film somewhere first, either at the cinema or by renting, then say "I liked that film. I'd like to own a copy just in case I want to watch it again..." So surely having paid out to watch it the first time, they don't want to pay over twice that initial payment to then own it.

Maybe it's to make up for the money lost from piracy - I don't know, but surely they'll sell more if they just drop the price straight away. I know I'd definitely prefer to have an official copy of a film rather than a pirate copy.

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