Sunday, 11 January 2009

Ad rant: VW Golf 'Fight'

"Sometimes, the only one you have to beat is yourself..."

The latest spot for the new Golf is fantastic.
A great strategy, brilliantly executed and with better fight scenes than most Hollywood blockbusters - it's perfect...
...except for the typo on the door at the beginning of the ad that reads 'chef designer' instead of chief.
Surely there isn't a department at VW that's busy designing Chefs??? Is there???
Could it be that the legendary German attention to detail hasn't been extended fully to the ad?
But when push comes to shove, surely the only person you really have to beat, is whoever 
has final sign-off on your TV ad!


  1. Chef Designer is the German translation of our English Chief Designer. VW is a German company and the 'designer' has a German name.

  2. Ah, well as far as I know, the German word for chief is, 'Leiter.'
    And obviously I know that VW is a German company. The VW Beetle was Hitler's 'car of the people.'
