Monday 10 March 2008

Film: Vantage Point

A Good film. The only disad-Vantage Point is the 6 plus flashback scenes, which are used as a device to unravel the plot from the point of the main characters. It was this, that by the beginning of the fifth flashback (where the on screen clock resets itself to 12:00pm), had the cinema audience groaning with frustration. I even think I heard someone behind me exclaim, "not again!" 

Thinking about it, that might be the first time I've been to see a film that triggered such a response in its audience.
Not something that was planned I'm sure.

However, despite that initial reaction, you watch on intently as all the pieces of the story neatly come together with a few twists and turns thrown in for good measure. And dare I say it, there's a pretty hair-raising car chase at the end.

My verdict; Probably worth the million pounds we paid to see it at the cinema. 

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